Readers of 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' have taken control of their own resources, in accordance with, and respect for, the law. A few of these good American men and women are generous enough to share their victories in upholding the law, for the edification and inspiration of everyone. At the moment the shared refund checks, closing notices, and so forth total
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A Few More SOTFPWTWGB Thoughts
...that is, continuing to sit-on-the-front-porch-and-watch-the-world-go-by thoughts, this time on the "debt-ceiling" deal; Elon Musk stepping up and doing well; and the sour-grapes carping about the Ron DeSantis campaign announcement glitches.
ON ONE OF HIS (GENERALLY EXCELLENT AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) 'JUDGING FREEDOM' PODCASTS A FEW WEEKS AGO, Andrew Napolitano said that in the last days of the Trump administration he reminded Donald Trump of his promise (and his obligation under the law) to see that all the remaining Kennedy assassination records were released. Trump, Napolitano said, replied that if Napolitano knew what Trump had seen in those unreleased records, he wouldn't want them to see the light of day-- and then, of course, defied the law, broke his promise, and left the file hidden from public view.
This is outrageous. Frankly, even leaving aside all the other reasons why no one, not Trump or any other president, has any business withholding such information from the American public no matter what it is, the very idea that it is so horrendous or momentous as to prompt that kind of response simply adds to the necessity and importance of its release. The American people need and are entitled to know whose oxen are gored in such records, and how, no matter those malefactors positions.
I wonder if the endless, counter-productive and generally (if not profoundly) unfair demonization of Russia-- since the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially-- is not grounded in the fact that those who murdered John F. Kennedy in 1963 offered as their unspoken defense the proposition that Kennedy was dangerously-- even traitorously-- de-escalating hostilities with the USSR (Russia) and had to be taken out for the good of America.
From that crime forward, it became very much in that assassination cabal's interest to nurture as widespread and reflexive an American public fear and animus toward Russia in order to keep a more rational and fact-based perspective from directing its sober attention toward that cabal and its own traitorous and deeply-criminal acts (one of which was doubtless the subsequent murder of Robert Kennedy-- see this and this.)
Getting Our Condemnations Right
It's important that conservatives stop miscasting the evils against which they virtuously stand.
JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS a story made the rounds about a woman arrested in Britain for silently praying-- not on her knees, but while standing-- on the curb across the street from an abortion clinic (a closed clinic, by the way). See the video here.
Predictably, every pundit sharing the story treated it as an outrage based on characterizing the arrest as being simply for the act of praying. But simply praying is NOT what the woman was doing, and it is NOT why she was arrested. Getting these things right is critically important if the conservative (classical liberal) community wants to effectively fight back against the leftist totalitarianism represented by this arrest.
In fact, what the woman was doing was shaming the abortionists. Her silent, standing presence was a rebuke to the clinic and those who work there, and it is that-- not her silent inner thoughts-- that prompted the violence against her by the state enforcers of leftist control.
In this display, the leftist ascendant power seeks to nullify and subsume the competing power of society to set standards and enforce them through judgment, criticism and ostracization. Like the nuclear family and independent organized religions, societal power to modify unacceptable behavior by the pressure of shaming is a threat to the progressive state's claimed authority to determine all things right or wrong (and to enforce those determinations).
Similarly, conservatives misstate and therefore fail to properly respond to accusations that their exposure or criticism of progressive behavior is dangerous-- if not outright violent. Conservatives respond to those accusations with scorn and an air of mystification, but this is simply due to being unable or unwilling to acknowledge and address what is really being said by their progressive accusers.
What is really being said by those accusers is that revealing to a wider audience the outrageous offenses of, for instance, LBGTAI+ activists schoolteachers against the children entrusted to their care, or therapists and counselors and medical professionals who encourage, practice and facilitate "affirming" and often mutilative responses to what is always really just induced "gender dysphoria" will predictably incite angry and possibly violent reactions by those becoming aware of these outrageous offenses.
SPEAKING OF SOUNDING THE WRONG NOTE and setting oneself up for inadequate or at least wobbly responses to progressive (and other) evils, let me take this opportunity to urge every commenter on the Ukraine madness to end the reflexive and always contemptible practice of starting out with a slur against Vladimir Putin or Russia in general before going on with "Even still, Ukraine is not without fault, and the US should not..." (or words to that effect). Why throw that meaty and nourishing bone to the opposition against whose policies you are intending to speak?
First of all, such slurs are largely misinformed. Putin is no saint, but neither is he a great villain-- by the standards of people in offices such as his in every country, including our own. As someone who has NOT been aggressively throwing his weight around the world, as he could have been doing (and as the US has been doing endlessly and at great cost in lives for decades) and who enjoys huge popularity with his own population, it could be said that Putin is a cut ablove the norm, and eny effort to say otherwise demands some evidence and defensible argument, not mere reflexive slurs from the US State Department talking-points bulletin.
THE EPOCH TIMES HAS PUBLISHED a great piece of journalism revealing that the FDA maintains a false warning against the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic and/or treatment for C19 even though the very studies to which its page links as authorities supposedly offering the bases for its warning show the opposite-- that Ivermectin IS effective and safe as a prophylactic and/or treatment for C19. See this excellent reporting here.
Laying Down A Marker... a time when such things are increasingly needed.
SIMPLE AND CERTAIN: If a government purpose, program or policy requires, calls for or accommodates an infringement, compromise or violation of any right expressly secured under its Constitution, it is, on its face, an invalid, unconstitutional purpose, program or policy. Any advocacy for it, or acquiescence to it, by a government official, is an oath-of-office violation-- full stop.
This is particularly relevant today in regard to so-called "gun control" advocacy heard from opportunistic state-worshipping enthusiasts for disarming people they have spent the last ten years trying hard to marginalize, demonize and silence.
On the subject of that advocacy, let's remember that America has always been awash in guns, and thus, any seeming increased frequency of gun violence in recent years cannot be a consequence of access to guns. Instead, causation must be laid at the feet of something that has changed over those recent years, such as the absence of traditional masculine parenting in the lives of ever-greater numbers of children, and/or the increasing consumption of pharmaceuticals, and/or the increasing atmosphere of grievance-mongering by which some are made to feel threatened as alleged oppressors and others made to feel entitled to retribution as the oppressed.
HERE'S ANOTHER POINT needing articulation at this time: Russia is NOT the Soviet Union. Post USSR Russians are the folks who threw off and sh*t-canned the Soviet Union. The fact that Vladimir Putin was for a relatively brief time an officer in the USSR apparatus means nothing, and there is little more obnoxious in Washingtonian foreign policy blather than propagandistic suggestions to the contrary.
KNAPP'S CONTENTIONS SEEM PRETTY STARK and simple and lacking in nuance, don't they? To which I say, "How refreshing!"... and how absolutely virtuous and correct.
Let me fortify the substance of Knapp's position-- which essentially is that per the terms of the Second Amendment governments have no authority to determine or impose limits-- "reasonable" or otherwise-- on the ownership, possession or carrying of weapons-- with a deep dive into the history of the amendment, the express views of those who promulgated and adopted the amendment, and the specific meaning of the words of the amendment, which will be found here.
Upon studying those facts, it will become clear to anyone and everyone that under no circumstances can any imposition be Constitutionally made by any government upon anyone's exercise of this right. To tolerate such an imposition, no matter how enthusiastically or forcefully advocated, is to fatally undermine the whole point of the amendment.
America is just waking up (I hope) from a long period since the time of FDR in which idiotic and indefensible state-serving declarations have been common to the effect of, "All rights have limitations..."-- meaning, the state has the authority to determine (or set limits upon) what "rights" people have.
Actually, no. The whole idea of a "right" is that insofar as it extends, it is proof against any tempering or limitation. Its exercise is solely and 100% at the discretion of the individual in whom it inheres.
Misunderstanding on this point arises because the extent of a right is-- in some cases-- limited, a point summed up nicely in the observation that, "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins." Such limits are not due to some overriding authority of a state to impose such limits, though, but because everyone has and must have equal rights with everyone else.
Courts are tasked in this country with determining when such "fist" and "nose" conflicts arise and how they must be resolved. But where a right is spelled out in explicit terms, as in those of the Second Amendment, and its exercise as spelled out cannot conflict with the rights of anyone else (there being no such thing as a right to an environment or circumstance outside one's own home in which others cannot have or carry guns, for instance, or any like that) no limits exist to be found.
Our culture today has been trained to think otherwise about rights, by a state which hungers to exercise authority over everything. But this ambition of the state is not only ungrounded in any actual authority, it is at war with the principles and purposes of American states as conceived and as constituted.
We need to regain our understanding of the nature of rights and the limitations of states. Here is a good place to start, and here is a good place to continue.
Beyond the matter of refreshing our own understanding of our rights and the limitations of state authority, it is important to dampen the state's illegitimate ambitions by restricting the resources with which it pursues them.
In that regard, let's remember (or come to understand, in some cases) that individual Americans CAN stand up and pull the plug on an overly ambitious state. Individual Americans CAN defund the state that has become more a danger to our rights than their champion.
One simple act by each individual American will do the trick, and it needs no approval or agreement from any institutional authority. That one simple thing will function as a catalyst, compelling the beneficial reorganization of our whole societal and political structure as a natural and inevitable process.
You can see and learn all about this solution-- and how it will play-out under its own relentless logic-- in this little two-page paper. Read it, think about it, share it.
Now, seriously. Do you want this article to make a difference? It only will do so if YOU PASS IT ON TO OTHERS. Please do that.
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Speaking Of Resolutions And Declarations... are powerful examples of each.
A VIRTUOUS CtC WARRIOR who wishes to preserve his anonymity on the social media platform involved has shared a moving and muscular statement in response to an unfortunately typical pundit-post by a fellow named Matthew Bracken in which much is complained of, but nothing whatever is offered as a proposed dynamic solution or response. Hear, then, is a little wind beneath the wings of those with the spirit to which John Adams refers in the quote illustrated and discussed in the article above:
I am done with these swine. Period. Complaining is meaningless and worse than useless, Mr. Bracken. There is more than enough provocation for, and justification for, a real Insurrection that will include open defiance of the fraudulent "government" in the District, and, if necessary, separation from the Union it claims is subject to its insane whims. Everywhere, EVERYWHERE, we are confronted with proof that the government constructed so long ago in Philadelphia is no longer the Republic promised, but the form and substance of a tyranny so perfidious and so abject as to be unmistakable for anything but what it is; An organization of criminal elements acting in self-serving unison for the purpose of Absolute control of the American people it was formed to serve, in preparation for delivery unto a global consortium comprised of NGO's, Industrial interests and authoritarian factions. We know who these people are; we speak their names every day. Yet we seem paralyzed, unable to resist the undulations of the reptile that waves and weaves before us to the tune played by unseen flutes. This has continued for years, Mr.Bracken. most of my adult life in fact. And my adult life spans a lot of history. How much longer do we wait? How much more of our will do we allow to be siphoned away by government buy-ups, or just the sapping of our resistance by the despair we see and feel enveloping this country? How much longer, how much more? We the People do NOT need the permission of our "betters" at ANY level of government to form the legal framework for the dissolution of the District of Criminals, and the "government" that resides there in that tubercular swamp. The government WE formed and authorized more than 230 years ago that long ago usurped its delegated authority as defined in the document that created it. Remember, Mr. Bracken, the Constitution can ONLY be contemplated within the earlier document that justified its creation, the Declaration. In Mr. Jefferson's thunderous prose, as promulgated in that hot July of 1776, the American Nation was truly created; the Constitution of 1789 provided the framework for the government formed to avoid and PREVENT the litany of insults and arrogation of unlawful power described in the pages of the Declaration, and legitimized the separation of that New Nation from the former, oppressive authority that served others, and not the People to whom it claimed allegiance. We are now far, FAR past the acts that justified that separation. Everyone who reads this and tens of millions of others who have not and probably will not know this to be true. It is time to Act. It is time for a New Declaration, and the legal actions necessary to disband the illegitimate monster we have allowed to grow and fester. Others have been promoting their own Constitutional Convention for the purposes of more rhetorical band-aids in the form of "Amendments" that will be ignored just as thoroughly and with the same impunity we have witnessed for years. I say we have that Con-Con, and DISBAND the current government and reform its replacement using the original Constitution as its base; That is, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights ONLY. I have ideas for the Convention and the representation necessary, but I am sure others more qualified and smarter than me will also contribute. Short of a civil war, I see no alternative. This is our country, and unless we are willing, collectively, to give it away to the renegade barbarians in their $3,000 suits, we must act. Time grows short. Either we march on Washington and remove them (as delicious as that sounds) or we simply remove their authority and kill those who may attempt to rule us without it. A Free people are governed by their consent. I withdraw that consent, effective this 25th Day of December, 2022. The New Year will be a New Year indeed. |
WHEN MEMBERS OF A POORLY-PERFORMING GROUP are persistently and institutionally told that their poor performance is not their fault there are only two alternative explanations to which they can resort. One is that the poor performance, while not a "faultable" product of bad behaviors, is due to an inherent inadequacy. The other is that the poor performance is the result of externally-sourced evil.
The alternative which will be chosen by the marginalized (and hence prone to moral-relativist "reasoning" and behavior) is obvious.
A SEEMINGLY MUSCULAR LAWSUIT HAS BEEN FILED BY KARI LAKE over the manifestly fraud-riddled mid-term election (a favorable outcome of which would also result in Blake Masters and Mark Finchem winning their races). The suit makes many significant and supported allegations challenging the validity of the outcome declared by Lake's improperly-positioned election-officiating opponent. See the complaint here.
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